Dasil-Mar's History
My interest in Rottweilers began in about 1986. At this time a large entry at a Rottweiler event was 60. The USRC was called the Rottweiler Performance Club started by Eckart Salquist and not many folks knew what a Rottweiler was. (Awe, the good ole days)
I was very fortunate to have learned and been mentored by many of the greatest kennel owners of that time. With their vast knowledge success and respect in the breed of Rottweilers I was educated with the best the breed had to offer.
Dasil-Mar’s beginnings started from the superior foundation Rottweilers imported from the best kennels in Germany at the time. I have always been a huge fan of Dietrich and Ulla Hufken’s Siedlerpfad Kennels in Germany and owes a great debt of gratitude for the superior dogs they en-trusted to me throughout the years that have been the greatest base of my foundation. I have been fortunate to own some of Germany’s most famous Rottweilers and add them to my breeding program.
With interest in both show and working Dasil-Mar Kennel has successfully achieved a rich history of winning dogs that have won many prestigious titles worldwide and a reputation and track record to be proud of as I continue to thrive for the future today. Through this pursuit of perfection and keeping standards held to their highest I have been fortunate to have owned and produced multiple VDH Champion, V1-Siegers, Siegerins, Youth Siegers, Most Beautiful champions of all kinds. Schutzhund/Korung titled, obedience titled etc. dogs throughout my long history in the breed. I do not believe in producing lots of puppies and breed sparingly. I do however strive to produce a great quality puppy with emphasis on correct Rottweiler temperament.
It has been a great privilege to meet and work with so many wonderful people who share the same passion for this truly unique animal. Together we can strive to continue to improve the future of the Rottweiler breed.