V2-Karol von der Berghalibinsel Sch3,BH,AD,Ztp,Bis,Eza,Gekor
Karol is V2 rated ADRK Germany, lifetime Korung and has been bred in Germany more than 44 times to top bitches including KJS 1994 Jana Von der Bleichstrasse, (Jackomo sister) and KS 1998 Magi Von der Bleichstrasse just to name a few. Currently in the United States Ani Vom Falcon Schloss recently won youth siegerin, SG1 rated at the USRC MO. 18-24 females show, she is out of Karol also. Karol was bred in Germany so many times because he is known for producing bone, substance, solid nerves, super temperment, black eye, and mouth pigment with few faults!
Karol was co-owned with Rachele Fanucchi and Robert Rector